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Camron David's World

October 2003

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Camron inside of Mommy's belly.

January 2004

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Daddy with Cam for the first time on January 7th, 2004.

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With big sister Brittany!

February 2004

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Getting settled in to things.

March 2004

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Proud parents.

May 2004

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On the deck with big sister, Carly!

June 2004

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Playing in his bouncy chair.

July 2004

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Our new house!

August 2004

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Cam gets nice and warm!

September 2004

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What a cutie!

October 2004

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On Halloween. Our little froggie.

November 2004

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He seemed to enjoy Thanksgiving!

December 2004

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Christmas brought a lot of presents... but even more wrapping paper!

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