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Camron David's World

January 2005

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One years old already! With cousin Rachel and Mommy.

February 2005

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March 2005

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Always eatin'!

April 2005

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Easter is an excuse to eat tons of candy!

May 2005

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Finally it's warm outside. Mommy & Cam on a day at the park.

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..... and home in time to help Daddy mow the lawn!

June 2005

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Father's Day with Uncle Scott, Daddy, cousins Reed & Chase, PapaD and Uncle Donnie

July 2005

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In July, Camron went to the county fair and drove his own tractor!

August 2005

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Summer time brought Grandmom from Arizonia to swim with us!

September 2005

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In September, Cam planted a tree with PapaD, Daddy and cousins.

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He also spotted something out the window... apparantly so did the cat!

October 2005

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Grandma Patty came to visit!

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... and then came Halloween.

November 2005

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Playing a game outside the hot tub...

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... before the snow a few weeks later!

December 2005

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Camron & his sisters!

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Camron with his girls... Mommy, Carly, Grandma Patty, Aunt Peggy and cousin Lauren.

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